Easy Affordable Professional
The fastest way to show your reel
and have the industry find it.
Build your online portfolio right now
Signup is easy.
Plans start at less than $1 a day

lets you dive straight in.
Get your reel up right now
and have 14 days on us!
* Up to 60 minutes of video
* Personal webpage & address
* Add your agent, bio, gear list, resume, credits, photos, links
* Tag your reels and images
* Get activity reports
$39.95 per month
Pay annually and save 15%
* Up to 30 minutes of video
* Personal webpage & address
* Add your agent, bio, gear list, resume, credits, photos, links
* Tag your reels and images
* Get activity reports
$33.95 per month
Pay annually and save 10%
* Up to 10 minutes of video
* Personal webpage & address
* Add your agent, bio, gear list, resume, credits, photos, links
* Tag your reels and images
* Get activity reports
$23.95 per month
Pay annually and save 5%
Heaps of benefits
Exposure Active across 3 territories. Targeted straight at the industry. Major Guild Sponsorships.
We're like your personal assistant We send you notifications, sort out your video formatting worries, save you time and despatch costs. We're working 24/7 when you can't be there yourself
We network for you We promote your latest work and awards, include you in Podcasts on iTunes, Twitter and Facebook
I gotta tell you, your site has been invaluable.
I love that I can control my own content...
Peter Maguire, Director
It's nice to find a new client...I've been working on 2 big TV commercials for a company that saw my work on Showreelfinder. Thanks again for your service & facility.
Bob Hill, Production Designer and Art Director
Easy payment options Credit card, direct debit, paypal. Monthly or yearly, you decide.
Buyers' pool Get discounts from selected industry suppliers
Add on services We can help you with your Bio or build you a custom site.